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You Are Loveable - Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
We've all done it: compared ourselves to others, whether it was looks, money, or possessions. It made us feel shitty, like we wouldn't be...
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You Don't Need Anyone's Validation
I don't care what anyone says: You're enough. You don't need anyone's permission to do anything. If you want to become a writer, then do...
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How Affirmations Can Change Your Life
Affirmations are statements we repeat over and over to influence our subconscious mind to think a different way. We're already affirming...
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Complaining Doesn't Help. Change Your Life Instead
We all do it: complain about things we hate, bother us, or even make our lives Hell. But as I'm learning about the Law of Assumption and...
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Don't Let Anyone Tell You Who You Are
People love giving their opinions, don't they? Especially when they think they're right, when they're not. They're so caught up in other...
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Let Your Emotions Out - You'll Feel Much Better
I have no idea why people shame others just for being human. "You shouldn't cry in public." "Stop embarrassing me in front of people." If...
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Gratitude Can Change Your Life
Sometimes we can take things for granted. I know when I was little, I definitely didn't appreciate the things I had in my life, and I...
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What the Law of Assumption is & How to Apply it to Your Life
It's come to my attention that I haven't properly explained what manifestation is, and that's on me. The law of assumption states that...
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How to be Patient While Creating Your Dream Life
After years of frustration of not living my dream life yet, I can finally say I'm in a good place right now, and my life keeps getting...
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The Importance of Staying True to Yourself
I accepted the fact that I will always be different than everyone else. I used to be mocked for wearing black, or liking some games,...
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Life-changing Books & People
I have read and watched so many videos on how to improve your life that I lost track of them. So below, I will list out the best ones...
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How to Follow Your Soul's Purpose
Finding your soul's purpose leads to happiness and success. As my professor said at university, "Find your passion and money will...
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Focusing on the Positive, Not Negative
Why is it that when people ask us how our day went, we immediately start with the worst thing that happened? It took me a while to catch...
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Best Thing to do for Yourself: Meditate in Silence
I remember cringing when I heard Dandapani recommending meditating in silence. I was nervous and thinking, "I absolutely HAVE to listen...
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Society Forces Us to Wear a Mask - I'm Here to Rip it Off
"You're weird." "Why are you like this?" "Why are you always smiling?" I'm sure you heard similar things as well, people judging you for...
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Never Give Up - It's Not Worth It
Just like everyone else, I always wanted to become an author. But after starting in 2019, I quit because I was too scared. You know what...
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