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Amazing Authors Who Help Others Grow
The author journey, although a great one I wouldn't pass for anything in this world, is stressful. Therefore, I respect people so much...
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Software for Newbie Writers
Since I like free things (and probably you, too), here are some helpful resources I've discovered that won't cost you a dime to use....
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Books for Newbie Writers
Knowing where to start on your writing journey is confusing and scary, so I'm here to help you. I'm on my way of becoming an author, so...
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The Completion of the First Draft
Six weeks. Six weeks to write a story, and holy shit does it feel good. Can you actually believe that only 3% of writers get to...
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Discipline Helps Your Writing
Motivation is not enough to write. You can desire something so badly enough it's all you think about, but to actually acquire it is...
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