Sometimes we can take things for granted. I know when I was little, I definitely didn't appreciate the things I had in my life, and I wish I can change that.
When you don't have much, you start to appreciate what you DO have, and want more in the future. I started practicing gratitude again, and it's literally life changing.
All I do is whenever I interact with something, be it a glass of water, food, clothes, whatever, I say, "Thank you for this." That's it. You'll start to feel calmer and realize that you do have a lot in your life, and they should never be taken for granted.
The cool thing is that the more you appreciate things, the more it will show up in your life. When you appreciate having $1, you'll telling the Universe that you want more of it. I appreciate everything I have because I know some people don't have that luxury, so that makes me even more grateful to have it.
So I recommend starting off by thanking the things in your life. Water, food, showers, people, anything you want. You can say it in your head or out loud. You don't even have to "feel" it, saying it is enough. You'll definitely start noticing a difference in the way you view life. You'll start to appreciate things and people more, and attract more of them in your reality.
Thanks for reading, and good luck, my Lovely Raven.