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How to be Patient While Creating Your Dream Life

After years of frustration of not living my dream life yet, I can finally say I'm in a good place right now, and my life keeps getting better.

Just like you (probably), I want to live my ultimate life right now. I don't like waiting for anything. So I would constantly look up videos and read books on how to manifest my desires the fastest way possible. I realized too late what a waste of time it was.

Let me explain.

In my opinion, frustration IS desperation - the desperation to having your desires already (money, love, etc.). Which means you're focusing on not having it yet, instead of feeling like you already have it. I am definitely guilty of this, so I ain't claiming to be perfect.

I want a shit ton of money so I can move into my dream home already, and buy my dream car. So I would affirm, visualize, and do all of these methods and STILL not have my desires yet. I would get so annoyed with myself and think, "What am I doing wrong?"

It comes down to impatience. So how do we get rid of it?

We need to find a way to be okay with our current situation while creating our dream life at the same time. If not, then we'll never be happy, and our desires will continue to be beyond an arm's reach.

The PERFECT way I found was doing something today that will bring you closer to your goals. For example, it's my dream to become a full-time author and blogger. So I ask myself, "What can I do to bring myself one step closer to my goals?" I can work on my stories every day, and write a post every morning, like how I do now.

And don't give up.

NEVER give up.

Once you take action toward your goals, even small ones, you'll feel the tension leave your shoulders, and relief taking its place. You'll feel so, so much better because you know you're on the right path. I say this to myself all the time: "I am on the right path toward living my dream life."

The impatience will disappear into thin air.

So today, ask yourself, "What can I do to bring myself one step closer to my goals?" And pursue it.

I don't care what it is. There's something you can do today that will change your life. You can watch a video, buy a book, or simply Google how to something you truly want. There's always a way.

If you want to bake, then learn how to bake and how to make money baking. If you want to write, learn how to make money writing.

The only way to fail is by giving up. That's it. If you make a mistake, learn from it and move on. You can't expect to be perfect on your first try. Do you expect an artist to perfectly craft a sculpture on the first attempt, or does it take time and practice? Why would you set high expectations on yourself, if you don't even put it on others? Doesn't make any sense.

Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself - take all the time you need, and create your future today.

Thanks for reading, and good luck, my Lovely Raven.

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