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How to Follow Your Soul's Purpose

Finding your soul's purpose leads to happiness and success. As my professor said at university, "Find your passion and money will follow."

It's true.

It has always been a dream of mine to become a full-time author, and I'm finally making it come true. I'm in my second round of the beta reader stage, and I couldn't be more grateful.

You have no idea how happy this makes me. I want you to experience that happiness, too.

So how do you? By pursuing whatever makes you happy.

It can be anything: writing, painting, drawing, anything. Whatever sparks that excitement in your heart, and you want it so badly it consumes your entire being, pursue it.

It's our divine right as a human being to be happy, successful, and fulfilled. But people don't know where to start.

Watch a video, buy a book, Google it. No excuses. Just go for it. I can't express enough how important this is.

So many people are stuck in a job that they hate so much. They dread waking up and count the hours they can come back home. It's because your soul knows it's not meant to be doing this. It's smart, so you should listen to it. It picked your life for a reason. It's because it wanted to live it, so when you don't follow your purpose, it leads to misery.

I don't want you to be miserable. I want to help you. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions. I HIGHLY recommend checking out Dandapani since he talks about this and more. He's amazing.

I also recommend Sammy Ingram. Every time I'm upset or feel discouraged, I watch her videos and I feel a million times better. You can thank me later.

Thank you for reading, and may you find your life's purpose.

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