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Let Your Emotions Out - You'll Feel Much Better

I have no idea why people shame others just for being human. "You shouldn't cry in public." "Stop embarrassing me in front of people."

If anyone told you this, I'm sorry.

Having emotions is nothing to be ashamed of. We're scared of crying because we might appear weak. We don't get mad when someone hurts us because we don't want to upset the other person's feelings.

This is bullshit.

Bottling up your emotions is a terrible, terrible idea. In fact, when you suppress them, you'll end up exploding when you snap and feel ashamed of it later. This is common, unfortunately.

I used to do this, and so have many other people. What we need to do is let our emotions out in a healthy way and be honest about our feelings. We don't help anyone by lying.

If someone made you mad, calmly explain to them why so they can understand. They can't understand if you never tell them; we're not mind readers. But please, for the love of God, don't scream at them. When one person screams at another, they scream right back, or hide away to avoid it. What does that accomplish? Nothing.

If you're upset, cry and let it out all. DON'T suppress it. Figure out why you're upset and do something about it. If you can change it, change it. If not, then don't let it affect you.

You can choose not to let something affect you. You can absolutely 100% not let anything affect you, because you are stronger than it.

I like to think to myself, "Yeah, this thing sucks, but I'm not gonna let it affect me. I'm gonna do something about it."

You'll feel so, so much better. Like relief off of your shoulders.

So the next time something bad happens, acknowledge it, and decide to do something about it. You're NOT powerless; you can make anything happen. Being a victim does nothing to help you, so why continue it? Wouldn't it be better to take charge of your life and make whatever you want to happen?

"Anything I don't want will not affect me. I'm stronger than it."

Thanks for reading, and good luck, my Lovely Raven.

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