I have read and watched so many videos on how to improve your life that I lost track of them. So below, I will list out the best ones that will help improve your life in all areas.
F*ck the How: Get Anything You Want Without Worrying About How You'll Do It by Jennifer Blanchard - Teaches you how to not focus on "how" when manifesting your desires. I know I was definitely stuck on this, and I can safety say this book taught me to calm down and focus on what's important: enjoying my life.
The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts - Explains how exactly you change your reality with your thoughts. I will admit, it does go into the scientific side of things too much in the beginning, but once you get into the exercises, it's worth the payoff.
So now off to the people ~~~
maleeka, is my guardian angel. - I love her videos so much it's not even funny. I like the way she talks, and how she clearly explains how to improve your life like you should love yourself first and not become dependent on others. Absolutely check out her videos.
Sammy Ingram - Love her, too. Covers Law of Assumption and how to get your desires quickly and easily. She's also a coach if you need one.
Rita Kaminski - While she also covers the LOA, she also explains how you don't need to affirm 24/7, but just to enjoy life and know that you have your desires already. You can watch her videos to understand more. I highly recommend it.
Dandapani - He focuses more on spirituality, which is just as important as the LOA. He teaches you how to stay focused, disciplined, and more. He literally changes people's lives easily.
That's it for now. If I could give you one tip: instead of worrying about the future, focus on how to improve your life today. If you want to create videos, practice recording on your phone or camera. If you want to become a writer, then write today.
No waiting. Start today.
Thanks for reading, and good luck.