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You Are Loveable - Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

We've all done it: compared ourselves to others, whether it was looks, money, or possessions. It made us feel shitty, like we wouldn't be happy until we looked like them or had a big, fancy house, too.

It's one of the reasons why I stopped watching TV: commercials are designed to convince you that you won't be happy until you look a certain way or bought something of theirs.

"Don't you want to look like this super hot model? C'mon, don't you?!"

No, not really. Thanks though. I'm fine just the way I am.

You Are Perfect the Way You Are

There's nothing wrong with wanting to change your looks or have nice things, but you shouldn't do it in order to be happy. Notice how bad you felt when you compared yourself to someone "better." Probably inadequate, ugly, or a failure.

But here's the thing: they're not you. They're not living your life or following your dreams. We're different for a reason, and each have our own life purposes, so comparing ourselves to others is pointless, really.

Be happy with the way you are now, because you're perfect. And if someone disagrees, tries to make you feel badly, hold your head high, look them straight in the eyes, and kindly tell them to fuck off. Or ignore them. Your choice.

You don't need negativity in your life, so it's best to cut off those who make you feel terrible just by being different.

After you stop comparing yourself to others, notice how much better you feel. No more judgments, insecurities, or jealousy. Only acceptance and love, which are things we all deserve.

If you want some help, I recommend checking out Rita Kaminski and Sammy Ingram on YouTube. They will do just that.

Thanks for reading, and good luck, my Lovely Raven.

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